Hi, Hello, Hola, Bonjour, Anyeong, Ni Hao, Bom Dia, Olá
That’s all I got for now! I’m back! I’ve missed you. I’ve missed us. This.
The blog was down for weeks. Months! A “critical error” that left me completely out of the loop. No access to my admin page, no access to deleting any plugins that could potentially be causing the issue. Nothing. I was blocked, just like the average site visitor.
Fun stuff for a person who deliberately chooses to not engage with huge tech advances beyond the necessary needs.
I’ve honestly been thinking about getting an old Nokia, a baby blue one, to slap me out of tech addiction. The app limits are just not working.
I’m not entirely sure how long it was out of service, if I’m being honest. But I did find out about a month ago in August sometime after some shameful months of absence. I waited this long to address it because, well, Life.
So after contacting several site hosts and providers because I had completely lost record of the tech guy who I hired to help me with this thing in the first place, I finally contacted someone who relayed the message to the correct person, and bam, a nice fee was served. My wallet has seen better days.
I’m so glad to be back though! I’ve been thinking about what I want to write, continue to write, and explore writing and it’s been one bouncing thought after another, with little sticking to anything concrete. I just haven’t been writing to explore any idea further than an imaginary thought bubble.
One major struggle has been saying yes to more than I could commit to without taking away from my own personal needs and relationships. Specifically, with myself, I’ve put her on the back burner and she’s struggling guys. Lots of life changes, happenings, and stressors among other positive things that it’s been so hard to sit down and write any of it down.
I’m 29 and the truth is, I’m living through the most traumatizing and triggering moments of my life. Something I hope I’ll never have to endure again because I’m not even sure how I’m going to come out of here unscathed. That’s a negative, because im already scarred, just trying not to let it leave a big enough scar. But thats a share for another day.
The great news today is there are people for everything! So we don’t have to know it all or do it all, especially not on our own; like technology. I’m so glad I found someone to help with something I have absolutely no interest in learning about. I probably should take a short course for things like this so I can be self-reliant and save some bucks. Another thought is put on the back burner for now.
For now, I want to focus on the simplicity of writing and sharing thoughts, so I can be better equipped to share more educational and mindfulness stuff in the future.
I’ll be purging writing for the next few weeks–please bare with me.

Natalie Amezcua