I’m a TV junkie. I love being outdoors and socializing with others but what really fills my cup when I’m unable to do the former is rolling up in a bundled joy, sipping or eating something I didn’t make, and watching tv. Add some candles or mood lighting and you won’t be seeing me for the rest of the evening. The tv has consumed me, and I in return have accepted it.
I typically prefer light-hearted films and the occasional drama short series. Still, on occasion, when my heart and head are ready for it, I sit heavily to watch movies or documentaries that I know will impact me in ways I feel I need to be affected. I live, eat, and breathe consciousness, so my tv time is usually my falalaland time where I get to sit back and forget about all the ways the world is shit and how I am, in a lot of ways, responsible for it.
In the past few years, specifically, since C-vid as my TV-watching hobby found so much time to blossom into my daily routine, I’ve sat (both alone and with company) to watch documentaries that have greatly impacted and reinforced strong ideas in my day to day lifestyle and thought processes.
Over time I will dive into some of these in expanded, follow-up blogs. However, in order to share the extent of the films with you asap, I’ve created a list here to help me keep track of the documentaries I do want to unpack further.
The topics, or better yet the systems and interconnection of multiple systems, discussed through these films range from
animal welfare, global warming, wildlife, sex trafficking, charity/donations, poverty, social media, gender, social movements, fur industry, fashion industry, farming industry, soil, cultural preservation, social conspiracies, minimalism, healthcare, racism, animal sentience, wellness fads, to pronatalism,
and more.
So without further ado, every title here has shaken me up and taught me more than I thought I could learn, and more than I could ever learn in any one or two hours spent elsewhere. Additionally, a lot of these documentaries (although not all) have brought me to tears, have made me shut my eyes and ears because the realities were too unbearable to witness, or have made me reevaluate my entire way of existing and solidifying what I do believe in while completely dismantling other things I thought I believed in. I can only hope it carries that same impact for you.
Happy watching 🙂
Slay – Waterbear
Gringo Trails – Prime Video or Vimeo
City of Joy – Netflix
Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution – Netflix
Poverty Inc. – Prime Video
The Social Dilemma– Netflix
The Biggest Lie Ever sold – Daily Wire
What is a Woman -Daily Wire
Earthlings – Youtube
Planet Earth – Netflix
Home – Youtube
Chelsea Does Series – Netflix
Down To Earth -Netflix
Kiss The Ground – Netflix
Seaspiracy – Netflix
Cowspiracy – Netflix
To Kid or Not to Kid – https://www.tokidornottokid.com/
The Goop Lab – Netflix
Explained Series – Netflix
[UN] WELL – Netflix
Rotten – Netflix
Less is Now, The Minimalist – Netflix
What the Health – Netflix
My Octopus Teacher – Netflix
Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things – Prime Video

Natalie Amezcua