-Maybe this letter would be best written when I hit 30. Then, I could fully reflect on the whole scope of my 20s. But as it stands, I am currently 27, in my late 20s (yikes)! So, I have a bit to reflect on.
Dear me, (for the rest of what’s left)
“This thing called life really does go by fast.”
Continue to take accountability and really learn to listen without always seeking to respond. You could stand to learn even more kindness, patience, and vulnerability. I am so proud of you for your honesty, for always showing up for your friends, and for how much more comfortable you are in your skin now than you were before. As far as what you’re not proud of, and boy is there a lot, understand that firstly…no one is perfect nor will you ever be. Secondly, learn that horrible choices & mistakes won’t define you for the rest of your life. Thirdly, work hard to forgive yourself and work even harder on not continuing the same trash decisions.
“If you have learned one thing in life, it’s that you always bounce back and things usually work out.”
It’s okay to let go. Not just people who don’t serve you in a positive way, but it’s also okay to let yourself enjoy things in life. You don’t always have to be reserved, or seem put together. It’s okay to have no idea what you want or where you’re going next. Because, if you have learned one thing in life, it’s that you always bounce back and things usually work out. I am so happy that you have found many people who support, listen, love, and laugh with you. You’ve been to places you dreamed of, but never thought you’d see. However, more than those beautiful beaches, temples, and amazing adventures, it’s the people who made those experiences worth everything.
“Continue to take accountability and really learn to listen without always seeking to respond.”
Cherish every moment you are living in because this thing called life really does go by fast. Keep doing more things that scare you. Keep being the person who seeks out adventure. I look forward to where you will be and how much you will have grown in the future…*fingers crossed*
With love and hope,

Sierra Thompson