Dear You,
“I Image that if your life was anything like how you fantasized about as a child, you wouldn’t be this amazing woman you are today. Heading towards the horizon of greatness.”
My Sweet Girl,
What would I say to you if I could meet you face to face?
I would tell you not to neglect getting to know the little girl in you. Take a moment to return to yourself. She needs you just as much as you need her. Depend on her when you are unsure. She will remind you of the things that rest in your core. The things you will and have forgotten during this decade of your 20’s. She will always remain within arm’s reach. You just have to reach out and grab hold of her. Hug her. Sing to her. She will always be waiting for you. I promise, you will find all that you need and sometimes what you are not ready for but, it all will be in the name of self-love. And in loving her is loving you. You are worth it.
Take the time to get to know yourself and all the ins and outs of becoming your version of an adult. Nothing is what it seems. And with an open mind, you will feel more at ease. There is so much you can do; so much you can offer. Once you realize that, things will flow to you. Nurture those dreams of yours. For they will become the playground where you find inner peace. What is for you is for YOU. But to fully grasp it, there is a journey you must take. Choices only you can make. Metamorphosis takes time. Rome wasn’t built in a day. I know you feel that you have to grow up and make decisions that you are not ready for, but you are. It doesn’t mean forget who you are and who you want to be. Life just happens and it tests our courage to survive. YOU have shown nothing but strength. Bask in that. Have faith in the process. Never stop seeing the world the way that you do. Take every step as you are obtaining another piece of your blueprint. This journey that you’re on will have many ups and downs but, the version of you waiting at the end will make it something special.
“Take the time to get to know yourself and all the ins and outs of becoming your version of an adult. Nothing is what it seems. And with an open mind, you will feel more at ease.”
You will lose friends. People you thought you would have in your corner forever. It will hurt but don’t dwell on it. Don’t hold grudges. Remember what they provided for you when you needed those friends. It’s okay to feel sad. Embrace it and release it. Don’t hold it in. Take refuge in your siblings. Heal your wounds with your sisters. You all hide your pain in different ways but when you come together, it’s hard not to feel the love. They will help you find your way. You are never alone. This group of family you have is amazing. You will lean on them more than you know. Allow it to happen and allow them the same grace.
“Go make shit happen and leave your mark while you do it.”
And lastly, have fun. Don’t judge yourself for the decisions you have and will make. Receive the information from those choices and make better ones. You are Human and you are beautifully made. I’m proud of you, girl. And I am lucky to have been you. Go make shit happen and leave your mark while you do it. You are here.
